Studio Marina Hulzenga

a spatial design and art studio

Specializing in exhibit and installation design, Studio Marina Hulzenga translates narrative and knowledge into a variety of immersive spaces through storytelling; inviting others to experience the celebration of histories, listen to the land and its people, and constantly engage the philosophical, conceptual, and social dialogues of our spatial surroundings. Absorbed in collecting and research as a means to creativity, the studio's work focuses on uncovering details and connections that challenge our spatial narratives. In both designing for clients or self-initiated projects, the studio values in depth research, being guided by process and activating conversation.

Shop - coming soon!


ARCHIVE OF HAPPENINGS FROM PRESENT TO PAST: all project exhibition residency award

kisêwâtisiwin space

Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Client: Alberta Avenue Community League
In collaboration with: City of Edmonton, Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation (CEASE)

In Process

Leading a diverse team of Indigenous folks and community members through the design process towards a park space that honours and brings needed awareness to the issue of Missing and Murdered and Exploited Indigenous People (MMEIP). The park will be located in the Alberta Avenue neighbourhood, and be a space for ceremony, healing, and learning how all of us can be an ally in addressing this systemic issue.

The images are of a story book that was designed to share the heart and vision of this unique project.

kisêwâtisiwin pronounced [ki-se-wât-si-win] is a Cree word that speaks to how one strives to apply the principles of gentle, loving kindness into all areas of life.

To learn more about MMEIP:

©2024 all rights reserved STUDIO MARINA HULZENGA

The studio is based in amiskwacîwâskahikan / ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃ
/ Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) on Treaty 6 and Métis territory.